Fourth Regional Mixed Methods Conference 2023

Leemoy Weaver

Leemoy Weaver is an PhD candidate in Sociology, specializing in development. Her core area of study is on child abuse and neglect and has published and presented in this area, locally and internationally. She is a member of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN). She is an assistant lecturer at the Institute for Gender and Development Studies, Mona Unit with an additional research focus on violence against women and girls. She is also an adjunct lecturer in research methods at the Department of Sociology, Psychology & Social Work. She has experience in facilitating mixed methods research workshops for graduate students locally and internationally and has publications on mixed methods research. She was part of the team involved in the initial development of mixed methods research in the Caribbean region and is a member of the editorial board for the Caribbean Journal of Mixed Methods Research (CJMMR). She started a series of workshops in the international community of child abuse and neglect using mixed methods research designs.