Fourth Regional Mixed Methods Conference 2023

Prof. Peggy Shannon Baker

Peggy Shannon-Baker, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Educational Research at Georgia Southern University. Their scholarship bridges two areas: critical global approaches to teacher education and culturally responsive mixed methods research. Their scholarship has been published in Journal of Mixed Methods Research, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Caribbean Journal of Mixed Methods Research, International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches and elsewhere. They have also contributed to the Sage handbook of mixed methods research designs (forthcoming) and The Routledge handbook for advancing integration in mixed methods research. Shannon-Baker has consulted on grants in education and nursing and teaches mixed methods classes. They also previously served on the Executive Board of the Mixed Methods International Research Association. They are a program co-chair for the American Educational Research Association Division D, Section 4: Multi-Methods and Mixed Methodologies (2023 and 2024) and an associate editor of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research.